Dani Austin Ramirez / daniaustin. Way to go, Dani. No, Dani, us actual moms are not early to everything because we actually have to take care of our own children. Meows: 2865. IfYouAreNewHere meowed . Sorority, homecoming queen, beautiful Christmas photo with plenty of presents under the tree. The stories of Dani making eggs with Stella were incredibly uncomfortable to watch. Hamcat. Meows: 18. Cracker Barrel Barbie. Grumpelstiltskin. clap. She added about match making to her bio. How does Stella “get into” everything. Wouldn’t surprise meDani lives, like two blocks away from me in Dallas. May 11, 2021 - 2:15 pm. This whole trip is just gross. These days, my husband Jordan and 2 babies under 2 help me to keep it REALLY real every single day! I'm a pro at putting together affordable outfits and scouting out the best Amazon deals - plus some silliness in between. Count de Meowmy. Cat. Meows: 564. You know, the one where it looks like they are performing a reenactment. Dani Austin Ramirez / daniaustin. Snarking Since: October 18, 2021. Check below for more deets about Dani Austin. Count de Meowmy. I'm sure there are plenty of things. Snarking Since: May 26, 2020. Snarking Since: May 15, 2021. Dani Austin Ramirez / daniaustin. Feline Porklord. Icedcoffee. December 6, 2020 - 11:22 am. Omg. Seeing Delmy with Stella melts my heart. Her mom has been thru hell and back and Dani's stressed. Count de Meowmy. mama meowed That nursery is what happens when every Instagram decor trend is vomited into a single room with no thought to how it all works together. Candycane. Hamcat. When she was pregnant with her first, did she wait a while to announce? Was there speculation like now, or did she hide it better?Dani Austin Ramirez / daniaustin. If you are cold your baby is much colder!!!Dani Austin Ramirez / daniaustin. 6. LDCLVR. Dani Austin Ramirez / daniaustin. Cracker Barrel Barbie. Dani also has a fun/goofier personality and that dress was def designed for a more sultry person. Meows: 1017. Baroness of Ham. Snarking Since: August 18, 2021. Count de Meowmy. So with Cocomelon it’s not the content that’s bad, but the format of it is specifically geared towards keeping a child’s attention. I was very unimpressed with the weird pink table cloths – they looked cheap and ill fitting. Wow, I wish the hardest decision of my day was deciding between disguising for my moms garage sale or learning a tik tok dance… pathetic. Cracker Barrel Barbie. Hamcat. And I call BS on the flight attendant not allowing her to. Meows: 659. January 13, 2021 - 10:37 pm. Snarking Since: September 6, 2021. Meows: 452. These girls are all way out of his league. Dani Austin Ramirez / daniaustin. Cat. #mylipzRreal meowed Her fiance is so try hard, gross, attention seeking, immature and WEIRD. Definitely not snuggled in like that. mama. Cat. I found her through Brighton (UGH) and Dani is much more relatable and honest. December 2, 2020 - 5:50 pm. omg I am LIVING for this and am. QueenHippie. Meanwhile, the verdict is still out on what Jordan (who is her husband, not her brother) does for work. Meows: 616. Plan a nice dinner with. Ew the photos from Tulum. EnjoyableFitness. Meows: 6094. greatwhiteclap. Coffeeluv05. Meows: 1940. Happy Monday yall. Meows: 114. clap meowed . clapcentral. Breeding4swipeups meowed . Broke my heart to see those videos of Delmy and Stella! She was clearly bonded with and loves her very much. youguyssoooogood meowed . August 8, 2021 - 7:27 pm. Hamcat. Hamcat. It wasn't like that before so assume weird fillers? Her forehead also is completely smooth in the middle but wrinkles on the. November 12, 2020 - 10:00 pm. Meows: 1094. GOMIBLOG / Forums / Instagram. Dani Austin Ramirez / daniaustin. Enjoy the ‘just married’ blissful state and soak up this time ALONE with your husband. nd us again how much you love spending time with your kids, Dani. Justasconfused meowed Tornado moved out? Of where? Dani's house in Dallas (where she was temporarily staying during treatment)? Or 'out' of the house she (tornado) and Dani's dad shared? Not being snarky, just following. barefoot dreams, dani austin nordstrom, dani austin nordy, nike, nordstrom, nordstrom anniversary sale dani austin, nordy, nsale, olaplex, olaplex sale, spanx. June 23, 2022 - 7:32 pm. Which is classic Dani and what an odd time to “take a break” since she never takes a break. Ask someone who knows and stop trying to use your engorged boobs as engagement. October 29, 2020 - 11:45 am. Just started following this girl and holy sh*t- how is she alive/walking?. Probably more like hundreds of sassy DMs + what she has read on here. Thank goodness. Engagement: 5. ShuperFlattering. Quotes from the RTC Pleather Pleasure couch meowed . Meows: 710. April 27, 2022 - 12:31 pm. 1 198 199 200 368. June 2, 2021 - 3:44 pm. The goofy airhead bit doesn't come across well at all but especially with a baby. gold elephant meowed . Like her Sephora order?. Dani Austin, a Dallas-based fashion blogger, is the latest dummy valiantly attempting to make the leap from professional dress-up player to fashion maven (I think the new word. August 27, 2020 - 10:13. Don’t. Rogaine Pony meowed . Skip to content Skip to main menu. GOMIBLOG / Forums / Instagram. JussieS. June 6, 2021 - 12:49 am. auntiekay meowed . But what's with that hair? I think she looked so much prettier with darker hair. Cosplaying New England Summer Prepster. Dont waste the prett. Instagram doesn’t need to know everything in order for you to be. Snarking Since: May 14, 2020. Feline Porklord. Cat. She mentioned that her mom “was still really sick. Snarking Since: November 14, 2020. clapcentral meowed . Meows: 710. NarcissisticPd. Dani Austin. You. Snarking Since: December 31, 2017. Skip to content Skip to main menu. Dani Austin. Snarking Since: May 9, 2013. And the fan poodles are PISSED! The comments on her post are just – gross. Dani Austin, a Dallas-based fashion blogger, is the latest dummy valiantly attempting to make the leap from professional dress-up player to fashion maven (I think the new word for when you don’t actually do any work or designing but pass it off as a brand is “curator”) and got caught in Diet Prada’s crosshairs. StyledHummus. Cat. Meows: 700. Vintage Forever 21 meowed . 1 141 142 143 367. 5 million followers. I’m confused. Snarking Since: May 26, 2020. Cracker Barrel Barbie meowed Dani is such a sh*t mom. Everything is an elaborate and thought out party for Dani. still immature and a skeleton. 1 55 56 57 368. Meows: 379. Dani Austin. Meows: 659. My favorite is on her New Years resolution post when she said “took. Snarking Since: September 16, 2013. This is random. Snarking Since: January 28, 2021. Trashed on boat Trul. May 29, 2022 - 3:28 pm. She desperately needs help!Dani Austin Ramirez / daniaustin. September 14, 2021 - 9:06 pm. Nobody loves her. ShoDangCute. Baroness of Ham. April 10, 2020 - 10:24 am. Dani crying on stories today was rage inducing. Meows: 145. Gorjuss self tanner meowed How old is Dani?? She seems so immature. Dani Austin Ramirez / daniaustin. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast 61 79 79 comments New #22 Dani Austin on the 2022 Top Creators - Fashion and lifestyle influencer Dani Austin Ramirez first started out on YouTube in 2012, sharing fashion advice, Thanks for being here, I love having you being part of our community. The car recipient is privileged AF. Count de Meowmy. November 15, 2020 - 10:30 pm. June 29, 2021. Dani Austin Ramirez / daniaustin. Candycane. Dani Austin Ramirez's $8 Million Year: How A God-Loving, Sale-Shopping, Mommy-Blogging Influencer Built Her Business. mama. Snarking Since: May 26, 2020. ? this is the oldest trick in the book! we’ll see. Dani Austin. LDCLVR. Birthplace Texas. I believe she is 15, maybe 16. Meows: 295. Snarking Since: October 9, 2020. mama. He is the brains behind the operation 100% go to his Instagram and scroll on his Instagram highlights. Snarking Since: December 29,. Her front lip goes out to a point kind of like Kermit. 2M Followers, 2,235 Following, 4,242 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Dani Austin Ramirez (@daniaustin) Dani Austin Ramirez's $8 Million Year: How A God-Loving, Sale-Shopping, Mommy-Blogging Influencer Built Her Business x The Texas blogger is making extraordinary money from being an everyday woman. June 20, 2021 - 8:04 pm Nobody loves her Count de Meowmy Meows: 521 Snarking Since: September 28, 2020 Her "dancing" in the car was so cringe worthy, yuck. mama meowed . Hamprince of Meowtonia. Why are they taking dance lessons? I must have skipped over why they are doing them.