SARM YK-11 results are great. I'd love to hear if any of you guys have any experiences with this stack, with or without a test base. Reply. Preferably 20mg Osta & 5mg YK both in the morning + MK677 before bed. That being said, many users who log their YK11 results on Reddit and other bodybuilding forums report gaining up to 20 pounds. I'd do 20mg every 3 days because the half life I believe is I believe 72 hours and I don't want the water retention and it has subsided. It doesn't interact with the Androgen receptor, it is almost like a dead ligand, or closer to an antagonist (in the tested muscle cells). For the record, my last cycle was LGD-4033+YK-11+ENCLO (5mg/5mg/12. Here's my stance on YK-11. Free Testosterone: 11,5 pg/mL. Everyone will say try them separately, but they stack very well in my experience. YK-11 is the real deal. Nolva on hand and test base (dhea) during the cycle. LGD 4033 made me stronger at 10 mg. ago. I have previously run a cycle of RAD140 30mg and MK677 30mg for. Since Sarms are mild anabolics they are better for getting lean then for bulking like all mild compounds. This is how this poll came to frutition, I think Tren Ace 200-300 blows yk11 at 10 mg out of the water. 2. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. yk11 is a myostatin inhibitor, it is both a sarm and a dht derivative. I don’t usually get sides that aren’t manageable. Which is why I pushed for the usage of yk11. The other thing is that by using YK-11 you’re suppressing your natural testosterone production, and all the important nuerosteroid precursors and metabolites of testosterone. I've used it 4-5 times oral tablets once and injectable the other times. 5mg enclomiphene starting at around week 3 until week 10 to combat my test supression. Im gaining muscle at an incredible rate. Just this week there have been threads with newbies asking if their drinking 5-6 times a week will cause issues when taking sarms and even VENDOR accounts are saying "yeah you should be absolutely fine". If your new to inj YK-11 start with 10mg 2xs a day Am, Pm. Actually one of the better sarms for. Recently I've seen a ton of people insisting YK11 is an orally available DHT derivative because of a shitty article written on More Plates More Dates. Just as the title says, I hear mixed things about how to best use YK-11. Great results bro, lean dry grainy accelerated gains. 4. Anyone tried the YK-11 injectable and enclo from purerawz? I have used this company before but I wanna hear others experiences with them. The lack of myostain is quite worrisome, because even though strength increases in the muscle that lack myostain makes tendons and ligaments brittle as ceramic. As I said ran rad 140 for a few weeks reupping with yk-11 probably going to taper up the dose until the sides hit. YK11 is methylated, 5A reduced and a 19-nor derivative that hasn't been studied much at all. 25mg (0. well there are people who ran a lot of ridiculous stacks with yk11 or ridiculous dosages of YK11 and none of them died from liver failure. Dexmodz. Adorable-Comment3252 • 2 yr. Even the stack (rad, yk, and mk) I did didn’t compare imo to the s23 by itself. it's supposed to be one of the stronger ones. If it was something potent like osta you’d. Running yk11 no test base like a retard but im incredibly horny uncontrollably horny talking to like 5 different women including my girlfriend guys wtf is this shit? People merge in front of me in traffic and I wanna blow their fucking house and car up and I rip my steering wheel off and jack off in traffic. When it comes to the half-life of these two SARMs, RAD 140 vastly outperforms YK11. Body weights up 15 pounds and major compound lifts up 65-80 pounds. Take an AI and drink water. As a supplement manufacturing expert, I know about. Superdrol, yk11, rad140 stack. I mean, EPIC results. The purpose of this. I'm thinking of converting over from sarms to aas but wondering if a cycle of yk would be worth it first. I have ran a cycle of rad and had some shedding toward the end, and I am debating yk11 but I am afraid that the hairloss will be more severe due to DHT properties. share. Sublingual: is similar to injection, it skips the first pass through the liver and goes straight to blood. s23 Might shut you down completely for a while, but for me as a young man using pct and having a base, it shouldn’t take long to regain natural production of test. I don't reccomend running this compound, might as well run a test only cycle. YK11 is an anabolic SARM that promotes cell growth. What should I expect side wise. When it comes to your statement on s23 and Yk11 i agre 50/50. Yk11 is great imo if you can handle its sides i wont go into suppression as you all seemed to have that topic tackled already. Compare that to Turinabol which was developed in a state sponsored program in the 60's, that lasted about 20 years. Hey guys which one is more suppression to. . But yk11 gave me very bad side effects and fucked up my blood work. Yk11 is the only "sarms" that can be stacked with every other sarms to increase the mass and strength gains. save. Cycle: ~17 mg Yk11 dosed in the morning and at night, approx. Ostarine is meant to be good for healing. It is a partial agonist of the androgen receptor and is often described as a hybrid between a steroid and a SARM. First 8 months I was at 200 mg per week 3x injections a week. Its a legit ped. YK11 and S23 SARM stack (input needed) I have been lifting for about a year now and I'm currently planning a SARM stack M, 165lb, 5'11, around 15% BF, and intend on running 15mg YK11 and 15mg S23 for 8 weeks, I will also be running 12. ButtifulPower • 3 yr. I've known two people to take this sarm before but say they got nothing out of it. 179LBs 5’10 10MG YK11 / 10MG LGD 8 straight weeks already. Cycle: 5mg Ligandrol + 12mg YK11 Initial Stats: Weight: 187lbs Height: 5'11" Body Fat: 15% Bench (1RM, last of four sets, 6-8 reps): 250lbs Squat (. YK-11 is very much a research SARM and while some other compounds have moved towards human studies and trials, research on YK-11 has. The results of this study suggest that YK11 may help. is YK-11 and RAD-140. Oral: enzymes in liver metabolize the yk which equals yk11 metabolites in the blood. If you gonna take peds avoid dry orals, you can try eating more collagen (food and supplement) also. Similar to doing an all-out leg day after not training legs for weeks. You have to take YK11 twice a day to feel its full effects, as it has a half-life of only twelve hours. Good luck. If you read the paper Derek references, they say they made YK-11 as described in another paper, which. 0 coins. I feel emotions but its about motivation and drive and sex and value more than just caveman brain “want sex need girl light weight”. Sublingual YK-11 application. 5 mIU/mL. Interested in seeing results from other SARMs? Come read my SARMs before and after results article. But it will be most effective at building muscle on a caloric surplus. ProteinCrackhead • 2 yr. MK 677 compliments that very nicely. YK11 must be taken with food for. May 8, 2018 #1 Here is a short writeup on yk11. I'm normally very introverted, I generally avoid people because I can't figure out the social cues - and Im prone to stress and worry, and low-self esteem and guilt. YK11 Vs Tren Ace. Always on TRT. Planning on running LGD at 5-10mgs for 8 weeks, yk11 for end of 4 weeks. It helped my joints a little bit and it made me slightly tougher as well while lifting weights. Although DHT did not increase Fst mRNA, both YK11 and DHT elevated the expression of MyHC protein and MRFs’ mRNA, implying that DHT enhances myogenic differentiation through an Fst-independent pathway. Gonna save the cardarine for now. This will allow you not to get testosterone suppression and end the cycle normally. Brother, there are guys that can look good bald, and guys that can’t. report. Increased to 15. 61K subscribers in the sarmssourcetalk community. I guarantee you that after 4 weeks you’d be risking permanent liver damage. MK-677 is excellent for people looking to put on size, as it significantly increases hunger; some people take this at night to counter that effect. But as Long as you Take your liver support and dont Go ham on the drinks you should be alright. And a huge red flag!. I would use it at a very high dose at the end of a bulking cycle. Probably the cycle may be 60 days 4+4mg YK11 (splitted) + 10mg RAD140. Adding yk is going to completely shutdown your test/est. YK11+RAD-140 Stack With Test Base. Posted by 1 year ago. In conclusion, YK11 induces myogenic differentiation via AR-dependent induction of Fst expression. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsReddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. Hvis du er sarms only så er det bare å droppe yk11. Here are the major differences between YK11 and SARMs: Unlike most SARMs, which are non-steroidal, YK11 is a steroidal selective androgenic receptor modulator or a full steroid hormone SARM. ago. Stacking with rad140 is a retarded idea, your test/est are going to be so crushed you will feel like shit. RAD140: 60h half life (will include both when it hits 90% and 95%, respectively) @10mg daily it will do a soft 90% peak at 37. Rad 140 did absolutely nothing for me and that's even at 30 mg for an extended. I would definitely wait then. Dosages varied as follows. YK-11 soreness. Recently started S23 with test and preferred the the s23 over the other SARMs. Osteoblasts are cells that develop bone. This is because YK-11 (431579-34-9) is the best SARM available in the market. Ostarine & yk11 experiences . So its gonna produce a lot of T to produce a lot of E and I think you should be good, ymmw tho so listen to. the one in mice show it has shit oral bioavailability and the HED of an injectable YK-11 is guestimatable at about 60mg/day to be comparable to testosterone at a MUCH lower dose, sure it worked out at about 10mg/day testosterone in the equivalent. So a few weeks at 160 isn’t going to kill you. If you didnt know, YK11 helps “reset” the androgen receptor sensitivity, from other anabolics that bind to it. Almost to my 1 year TRT date - absolutely blown away with the results physically, mentally, and emotionally. Reddit users have been hotly debating the muscle-building benefits of YK11, with many citing. for yk11 users, who pushed thru past 8 weeks cycle. to his bench every time he was lifting. The Injectable is stronger and you use less mg and less side effects. YK11 is typically taken in dosages of 5-10mg, although some users have taken even more than this, and reported insane before and after results. share. After a pretty intense training session I’ve noticed that I feel VERY sore. I know that it did because it badly crashed my estrogen and dried my joints, that's impossible for a drug thats not working. with cardarine and sr9009. 50. Other people from the store that I get it from said that it worked for them very well. If you want to cut id go for a 20mg max 30mg of ostarine on its own for 8 12 weeks depending on your history with sarms or AAS. user10081111 • 3 yr. Furthermore, the inhibition of myostatin by YK11 repressed the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and organ damage markers in the bloodstream and in the major organs of mice, which originally increased in sepsis; thus, myostatin inhibition by YK11 decreased the mortality rate due to sepsis. I have an amazing diet, feel great, bench went up from 210 to 320. As we said, YK11 has great benefits of both muscle gains and strength gains as well as fat loss. YK11 MK 677 stack is probably the most popular YK11 stack and rightfully so. is yk11 hit or miss? or is this an effective compound a lot of ppl have gotten results from? I just started after a week I don’t notice anything, I have a gram of it in powder form and i’m just taking 20mg daily . I would also like to note tho, that I took this at a time when I was very uneducated and stupid about sarms, so I took YK11 with no AI (like Arimistane) and DID NOT (big no no) PCT with Nolvadex or Clomid. Discussion of SARM sourcing and general SARM discussionI’m pretty sure My rad 140 was underdosed. Best Sarm Stacks for Bulking /Cutting/Recomping. I don't know why anybody runs it. I will probably use an adjusted bulking stack next cycle, and then do a real cutting cycle after that. ago. I'm sure the yk plays a part. Im running lgd at 15-20 mgs with fantastic reaults. Mild shedding is the. I did get aggravated and it was harder To sleep. S23: 12h half life (therefore split into 2 doses)Yk11 + Enclomiphene Citrate. Bout to start my next cycle in about a month, been really interested in trying out yk but im a but cautious about having a test base, sadly i live in a country thats pretty hard to get a hold of test so is there anything else i could run as a test base, was thinking maybe dbol or a serm, any help would be appreciated cheersMK 2866 expectations vs reality. 5mg a day) for 60 days? I think it can be a waste 12. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. For what you have experienced. I am about to add injectable yk11 on to my current cycle I plan to use it preworkout only on chest days as that is a lagging body part and then daily on the last 4 weeks of cycle. I agree entirely that receptor saturation is key to gains and stacking or taking higher dosages is the way to ensure consistent real muscle gainI need more insight on this. Will update on when I start, and how my progress goes. YK11 and Ostarine stack. My body handles SARMS really well. If using both compounds for the first time you'll have a hard time accessing how you feel and respond to them. level 2. But if you’re hell bent on it then just run it solo at another point in time for 6 weeks. Yk11, mk677, rad140, anadriol, decabolin (both HT) A little bit in this cycle and Ive been shut down emotionally, i feel better than ever. New protocol is 120 mg a week (20 iu 3x week). [deleted] • 2 yr. Keeping it simple, with the yk dominating my androgen receptors while hopefully the 4andro acts as a surrogate for TRT, with the hope it battles suppression. Unless you are taking testosterone it’s risky. YK11 is not an oral steroid; it is a SARM. Few hundred bucks for a milligram, and that’s about what you need over a period of two weeks or so according to the recommended brodose. So for bulking definitely LGD, at a high dose. 25mg/day. People who have used yk11 say its not good for mass, it's good for strength. It’s more like a steroid than a SARM and thus also requires a test base. 3 months. Still want enhancement tho. Close. If you're feeling a bit more daring RAD140 or LGD4033 may be a good idea, but YK11 first cycle is a bad idea. Nolva just blocks estrogen from binding to receptors on your pituitary gland so for your brain your like majorly sex hormone deprived. Second was 12 weeks at 10mgs a day with 4 week clomid pct. I've only had oral YK11 so I can't help ya much there. 4. Been looking into yk11 for a long time and have used it my fair share of times. Since it’s a largely unstudied drug, we’re relying on anecdotal user reviews from Reddit to check on the.